A Spirit-Filled Third Day of Worship and Conferencing


As the third day of the Global Methodist Church's Convening General Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, unfolded, the Holy Spirit continued to move powerfully among delegates, guests, and observers.

The morning began with an uplifting worship service, where Bishop Scott Jones delivered a stirring message with “So the World Will Know,” the conference’s theme, in mind. He challenged those gathered, saying, “I want the world to know joy. I want joy to be so characteristic of the Methodist people that it overflows from us and changes the world.”

Following the message, Bishops Emeriti Robert Hayes and Mike Lowry led the conference in Holy Communion. This sacred moment brought forth unspeakable joy, as many attendees found themselves moved to prayer at the altar, engaged in passionate worship through song, and eager to lean into what God is doing in this new movement. The service extended nearly an hour beyond its scheduled end, a testament to the palpable presence of the Holy Spirit in the room.

With hearts full, the conference transitioned into the plenary session. A key highlight was a report from the Rev. Beth Ann Cook, chair of the Transitional Commission on the Convening General Conference (TCCGC). Cook, who has led the commission since its inception just eighteen months ago, expressed gratitude for the members, volunteers, and vendors whose dedication is making the convening conference possible. She announced a forth coming motion to hold the 2026 General Conference in central Africa, with plans for significant legislative work to be done virtually and in advance. This approach would streamline the conference to a maximum of five days, making the process more efficient and reducing costs. This proposal will be acted upon later in the conference.

The Spirit of God was also evident in the legislative committees, where delegates sensed His presence throughout their work. “Today was a powerful testament to the power and presence of God in our midst here at the convening General Conference,” said the Rev. Jordan McFall, President Pro Tempore of the Heartland Conference and chair of the Episcopacy and Superintendency legislative committee. “As Paul mentions in Ephesians 4:3, our committee worked to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. I witnessed what true holy conferencing should look like today in amazing ways.” 

McFall presented to the plenary on his committee’s deliberations regarding the role and selection of bishops within the GM Church. After much prayer and thoughtful discussion, the committee reached a majority decision to forward a refined version of the general superintendency plan for plenary consideration. This plan, derived from a proposal of the GM Church’s Transitional Leadership Council (TLC), envisions bishops providing visionary servant leadership and oversight across multiple annual conferences rather than being assigned to a single conference residentially. The proposal will under go further refinement before being brought to the full gathering for deliberation.  Throughout the day, other legislative committees continued their diligent work, seeking to faithfully discern God’s will.

As day three came to a close, the majority of legislative committees successfully completed their work, paving the way for crucial plenary sessions to take center stage in the coming days. This diligent effort by legislative committees has laid the ground work for final amendments, decisions, and elections that will shape the future of the Church. With the HolySpirit’s presence clearly felt, the delegates are poised to continue this conferencing, finalizing the details and solidifying a foundation that will guide the movement forward.