Advance GM Church’s Mission: Nominations for Connectional Commissions Due August 6

Keith Boyette
Global Methodists in the MidSouth Provisional Annual Conference gather at their 2024 Annual Conference meeting in Maryville, Tennessee. Among other agenda items, the conference elected its delegates to the GM Church’s convening General Conference to be held in San Jose, Costa Rica, September 20-26, 2024.

A core value of the Global Methodist Church is to reduce the institutional footprint of the general church. Such an approach ensures that more financial resources remain at the congregational level, enabling local churches to respond to ministry needs in their mission fields. Additionally, members of local churches are encouraged to have greater ownership and involvement in the ministry and mission of the church globally.

Since late March 2020, when the idea of a Global Methodist Church was first conceived, the nascent denomination has been governed by the Transitional Leadership Council (TLC). The TLC has stewarded the development of the Church during its transitional period; it will continue its role through December 31, 2024.

However, during the GM Church’s convening General Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, September 20-26, 2024, the denomination will adopt an entirely new general church organization to become effective by January 1, 2025, and the TLC’s service will come to an end.

Legislation proposed by the TLC would create a Connectional Council to be the chief missional and administrative body between the GM Church’s General Conferences. The Connectional Council would be composed of 24 persons. A small general church staff, serving under the leadership of the Connectional Operations Officer, Rev. Mike Schafer, would support a limited number of general church Connectional Commissions. Members of the Connectional Commissions would not be compensated. The GM Church will have no boards and agencies.

According to the TLC proposal, the Connectional Commissions would be composed of laity and clergy, two-thirds of whom would be elected by the General Conference and one-third elected by the Connectional Council. Provisional annual conferences and individuals may submit names of individuals to be nominated to each of the Connectional Commissions by August 6, by sending an email to identifying 1) the applicable Connectional Commission, 2) the name, annual conference, phone number, and email address of the person being submitted, and 3) a 100-word biographical sketch setting forth relevant experience and why the person should be nominated. Persons whose names are submitted must be members of the Global Methodist Church and must consent to their nominations.

The Connectional Commissions would establish broad guidelines and promote best practices in each of their areas of responsibility to guide annual conferences and local churches in advancing the GM Church’s mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly. The Connectional Commissions would operate under the direction of and be accountable to the Connectional Council. The legislation calls for the establishment of eight Connectional Commissions.

The Connectional Commission on Evangelism, Church Multiplication, Missional Mobilization, and Disaster Response would resource annual conference and local churches by 1) training and equipping individuals and congregations to lead others to know Christ and fostering spiritual renewal across the Church, and including promoting lay and clergy evangelists, 2) providing resources for church planting and multiplication, identifying and training church planters, and encouraging churches to plant churches, 3) deepening biblical understanding and passion in local churches for mission outreach, promoting active mission engagement by local congregations, and fostering holistic mission strategies and gospel-centered community development addressing both spiritual and physical needs, and 4) coordinating the development of disaster response, relief, and recovery ministries.

The Connectional Commission on Discipleship, Doctrine, and Just Ministry would resource annual conference and local churches by 1) encouraging the spiritual growth of individuals through such discipleship programs as classes, bands, and other small groups, including the training of leaders, 2) increasing the understanding of the importance of our doctrine through teaching and preaching ministries and the use of liturgical resources, and 3) enabling individuals and congregations to “do justice” in ways consistent with our social witness and commitments to the sacred worth and equality of all individuals.

The Connectional Commission on Ministry and Higher Education would resource annual conferences and local churches by 1) implementing standards and qualifications for various forms of ministry, certifying educational programs and approving recommended educational institutions for the preparation of persons for ministry, and resourcing annual conference boards of ministry, 2) encouraging a Christian perspective within institutions of higher education and the founding, growth, and vitality of Christian colleges and seminaries with a Wesleyan theological perspective, and 3) establishing and refining criteria and qualifications for non-parish ministry, and supporting persons engaged in such ministry.

The Connectional Commission on Communications would resource annual conferences and local churches by 1) developing and encouraging appropriate communication strategies, and 2) creating print and digital resources that communicate the work of the Church and growing its print and digital communications capability.

The Connectional Commission on Finance, Administration, Pensions, and Benefits would resource annual conference and local churches by 1) overseeing the Church’s financial and fiduciary life, 2) managing the Church’s legal work, 3) maintaining the Church’s historical archives, 4) gathering and reporting statistical information for the Church, and 5) providing oversight of the Church’s pension and benefits programs.

The Connectional Commission on the General Conference would recommend the sites and dates of General Conferences, plan the General Conferences, and oversee the implementation of all aspects of the General Conferences.

The Connectional Commission on Ecumenical Relationships would engage with other Christian bodies, including other Wesleyan denominations and associations. While upholding the doctrines, moral principles, and polity of the GM Church, it would review and recommend membership in Christian councils, networks or associations, and explore potential covenant relationships or unions with other Christian denominations.

The Connectional Commission on Conferences would make recommendations on the creation, organization, or modification of regional and annual conferences of the GM Church. The Commission would identify regions requiring a GM Church conference based on missional opportunity, establish the criteria for launching new conferences, evaluate and recommend the realignment of existing conferences, and evaluate applications for membership where no annual conference presently exists to determine whether such applications are to be granted and how supervision, mentoring, and accountability would be provided.

These eight Connectional Commissions would be instrumental in implementing the mission and vision of the GM Church. God may be calling you to serve on one of these bodies. Prayerfully consider submitting your name or the names of others by August 6. Then pray that God would use these Connectional Commissions to advance His purposes through the GM Church.

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Rev. Keith Boyette is the Transitional Connectional Officer of the Global Methodist Church – its chief executive and administrative officer. To learn more about the Global Methodist Church, visit its website at