Convening General Conference Enters Full Plenary Mode on the Fourth Day


The fourth day of the Global Methodist Church’s convening General Conference saw the assembly fully immersed in plenary sessions, with the exception of one legislative committee that wrapped up its work later in the day. The morning began with a powerful devotion led by the Rev. Keihwan Ryoo, setting a tone of prayer and reflection as delegates embarked on a day filled with decision-making and deliberations.

Throughout the morning, the body heard reports and voted on consent agendas and petitions from several legislative committees, including Connectional Organization, Episcopacy and Superintendency, Financial Administration, and Ministry and the Local Church. Delegates gathered with their annual conference delegations took time to break away, praying and conferring amongst themselves regarding the election of members to various connectional commissions and councils.

Elections for these connectional bodies consumed much of the afternoon, resulting in the following individuals being elected to serve in these vital roles within the church below.

Council on Appeals

  • Clergy:     Zawdie Abiade (Great Lakes), Rurel Ausely (Alabama Emerald Coast), Ross Jenkins (Alabama Emerald Coast), Steven Bell (Trinity)
  • Laity:     Ron Enns (West Plains), Vicky Johnson (Trinity), Gideon Salatan (Covenant Philippines)
  • Laity     Alternates: Chris Steiner (Allegheny West), Kitten Arthur (West Plains), Angela Carter (West Plains)

Conferences Commission

  • Clergy:     Wilton Odongo (Kenya - Ethiopia), Clark Atkins (Trinity), Kevin Ryoo (Korean - American), Virgilio Olonan (Covenant Philippines), Elizabeth Sullivan (South Carolina), Brad DeHaven (Mid Texas)
  • Laity:     Alban Amour Gonda Yagozo (Central African Republic), Kathryn Chittenden (Heartland), Lori Smith (Mississippi-West Tennessee), Walter Khalonyere     Oduke (Kenya - Ethiopia), Stephanie Malone (South Carolina), Mickey Wheeler (MidTexas)


Connectional Council

  • Clergy:     Daniel Topalski (Bulgaria), Jessica LaGrone (Trinity), Henriette Okele     (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Jeff Greenway (Allegheny West)
  • Laity:     Cara Nicklas (Heartland), Vida Mei Rivera (Mega Manila Philippines), Gene     Floore (Alabama Emerald Coast), Asaba Chin Ali (Southern Nigeria)


Discipleship, Doctrine, and Just Ministry Commission

  • Clergy:     Gabriella Kopas (Slovakia), Jason Vickers (Trinity), David Watson (Allegheny West), Luther Oconer (Mega Manila Philippines), Suzanne Nicholson (MidSouth)
  • Laity:     Audu Daniel Bulus (Southern Nigeria), Kathy Rohrs (Allegheny West), Lou Ann Staggs (Mississippi - West Tennessee), Evelyn Ann Akumu (Kenya -     Ethiopia), Walter Warriner (Northeast)


Following her election, Cara Nicklas expressed her gratitude, stating, “I am deeply honored to be elected to the Connectional Council and excited to see where God will lead us into the future. Being here at the convening General Conference, surrounded by the worship, prayer, and unity of this gathering, has only strengthened my hope for what lies ahead.” Nicklas, a layperson of the Heartland Annual Conference, has served as the chairwoman of the GM Church’s Transitional Leadership Council (TLC) since November 2022.

Amid the plenary, mission and evangelism activities continued to make an impact elsewhere in San Jose. Ten Global Methodists and thirty Costa Ricans engaged in evangelism in an underserved community near Alajuelita Methodist Church, sharing in teaching and time in the community under the guidance of Pastor Denis Aguero.

Additionally, a missions team visited Los Guidos MethodistChurch, where twenty-eight Global Methodists assisted in repairing a roof, installing a new ceiling in a Sunday School room, and painting a perimeter fence. This work was carried out in a community facing extreme poverty, primarily comprised of Nicaraguan immigrants, and included time with Pastor Leonel and Wendy Jimenez.

As the fourth day of the convening General Conference concluded, there was much gratitude for the hard work put into the decisions made, with anticipation for how the Lord will continue to guide delegates.