Global Methodist Church Announces Additional Names Submitted for Possible Nomination for the Office of Bishop


The Global Methodist Church received eight additional names by August 21, 2024, of persons who will be considered as potential nominees for up to three additional slots to be considered for the office of bishop to serve a two-year term. These persons were submitted by members of our church and will be considered by the delegates to General Conference, with the potential to join the nine nominees already presented by the Transitional Leadership Council (TLC). To be added to the official slate, these persons must receive a two-thirds majority vote from the delegates present and casting valid ballots at the upcoming convening General Conference.

The following individuals have been nominated as NomineeCandidates: 

  • Angela Pleasants – North Carolina
  • Bazel Yoila Yayuba – Nigeria
  • David Banks – North Carolina
  • Diana DeWitt – MidSouth
  • Hassan Salama – Nigeria
  • Jeff Buck – Great Lakes
  • John Pena Auta – Nigeria
  • Stephen Martyn – West Plains

To ensure equity in the information provided to the delegates, the Global Methodist Church communications team will promptly begin preparations of materials about these additional persons. This effort includes offering them the same opportunities as the original nominees to submit a written profile, participate in a video interview, and engage in a Virtual Town Hall. This approach is designed to give the delegates a thorough understanding of persons under consideration for election to the episcopacy, ensuring they are well-informed and able to make equitable decisions should any of these persons be elevated to nominee status alongside the nine already slated.

We encourage delegates to carefully consider each person whose name has been submitted, keeping in mind the diverse gifts and graces they bring to the role. As we approach the voting process, let us continue to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, trusting that the right leaders will emerge to guide our church forward.

For further information on the process, please visit our official website or contact the Office of Communications.