Nominations Committee Releases Proposed Slate of Nominees for Connectional Commissions and Committees


The Nominations Committee of the convening General Conference has released its proposed slate of nominees for the various general church connectional commissions and committees to be elected by the upcoming General Conference. Working from persons whose names were submitted by annual conferences as well as individuals, the Nominations Committee attempted to propose a diverse and balanced slate of members for each of the commissions and committees proposed to be formed by the convening General Conference.

The Nominations Committee consists of General Conference delegates Holly Joy (Chairperson), Gabi Kopas (Secretary), Jeff Greenway, Jeff Jernigan, Jessica LaGrone, Jonathan Lee, Chrispinus Mugwanga, and Martha Thompson. Tom Lambrecht, General Conference secretary, serves as staff.

Some commissions and committees did not have enough nominees names submitted to fill all the openings. A number of annual conferences did not submit any persons’ names for consideration. The Nominations Committee noted it was particularly lacking in persons from East Africa, West Africa, Northern and Western US Conferences, and Hispanic areas in the GMC. Where there were not enough persons to fill a commission or committee, the slate below indicates an opening by noting TBD.

The general church now has a chance to submit additional nominations to be added to the slate. Such nominations must be submitted by September 10. Annual conferences may submit additional nominations and individuals may nominate themselves or another person (with their permission). Information submitted should include: proper name, annual conference, clergy/lay status, gender, and a 100-word biographical statement. Where a person already on the slate is from a particular annual conference, additional persons from that same annual conference are discouraged from submitting their names for the same commission or committee. All nominations should be submitted using the form here.

Please respond promptly to this opportunity to help round out the membership of these important commissions and committees. The Nominations Committee slate is as follows:

Connectional Council on Appeals
Elect four clergy and three laity

  • Clergy
    • Zawdie Abiade – Great Lakes
    • James Towson – South Georgia
    • Steven Bell – Trinity
    • TBD
  • Laity
    • Ron Enns – West Plains
    • Vicky Johnson – Trinity
    • Gideon Salatan – Covenant Philippines

Commission on Communications
Elect five clergy and five laity

  • Clergy
    • Tyler Best – Great Lakes
    • Ryan Bevers – Florida
    • Charles Griffin – Mid-South
    • Evelyne Kukah – Kenya-Ethiopia
    • Jason Nix – Mid-Texas
  • Laity
    • Courtney Kimmel – Mississippi-Western Tennessee
    • Nicolas Munongo – Democratic Republic of Congo
    • Petula Ndoula – Central African Republic
    • Vicky Rich – Allegheny West
    • Mike Sims – Trinity

Commission on Conferences
Elect six clergy and six laity

  • Clergy
    • Clark Atkins – Trinity
    • Brad DeHaven – Mid-Texas
    • Virgilio Olonan – Covenant Philippines
    • Kevin Ryoo – Korean American
    • TBD
    • TBD
  • Laity
    • Kathryn Chittenden – Heartland
    • Lori Smith – Mississippi-West Tennessee
    • Alban Amour Gonda Yagozo – Central African Republic
    • TBD
    • TBD
    • TBD

Connectional Council
Elect four clergy and four laity

  • Clergy
    • Jeff Greenway – Allegheny West
    • Jessica LaGrone – Trinity
    • Henrietta Okele – Democratic Republic of Congo
    • Daniel Topalski – Bulgaria
  • Laity
    • Gene Floore – Alabama Emerald Coast
    • Cara Nicklas – Heartland
    • TBD
    • TBD

Commission on Discipleship, Doctrine, and Just Ministry
Elect five clergy and five laity

  • Clergy
    • Enid Henderson – Trinity
    • John Hollon – Heartland
    • Jacklyne Atotso Kezia – Kenya-Ethiopia
    • Gabriella Kopas – Slovakia
    • Jason Vickers – Trinity
  • Laity
    • Audu Daniel Bulus – Southern Nigeria
      • Tera Ertz – Virginia
    • Kathy Rohrs – Allegheny West
    • Lou Ann Staggs – Mississippi-West Tennessee
    • Walter Warriner – Northeast

Commission on Ecumenical Relationship
Elect four clergy and four laity

  • Clergy
    • John Beyers – North Georgia
    • Han Seung Ko– Korean American
    • Patricia Molik – Northeast
    • Luther Oconer – Mega Manila Philippines
  • Laity
    • David Duggan – Mid-South
    • Scott Johnson – Trinity
    • William McCuaig – West Plains
    • TBD

Commission on Evangelism, Church Multiplication, Missional Mobilization, and Disaster Response
Elect five clergy and five laity

  • Clergy
    • Steve Cordle – Allegheny West
    • Linda Davis – Trinity
    • Kabah Kasongo – Democratic Republic of Congo
    • Sherry Tabaka-Morrissey – Mid-South
    • Max Wilkins – Florida
  • Laity
    • Jeff Jernigan – North Georgia
    • Yoonhee Kang – Korean American
    • Mwenge Ngoy Muyombi – Tanzania
    • Fe Olonan – Covenant Philippines
    • Mariela Mihaylova Siderova - Bulgaria

Commission on Finance, Administration, Pension, and Benefits
Elect five clergy and five laity

  • Clergy
    • Chris Akers – Florida
    • Harrison Bell – Alabama Emerald Coast
    • Herman Dick – Allegheny West
    • Vivian Kinnear – Trinity
    • Jim Noble – Mid-Texas
  • Laity
    • Ricarte Adriano, Jr. – Covenant Philippines
    • Sherry Austin – Great Lakes
    • Sam Gregory – West Plains
    • Jennifer Linneberry – North Carolina
    • Sung Soo Kim – Korean American

Commission on General Conference
Elect five clergy and five laity

  • Clergy
    • Sterling Allen - Trinity
    • Peter Cibuabua – Democratic Republic of Congo
    • Beth Ann Cook – Great Lakes
    • Mike Grant – Allegheny West
    • Anthony McPhail – South Georgia
  • Laity
    • Carol Loeb – Mid-Texas
    • Norma Morrison – Upper Midwest
    • Mack Parker – North Carolina
    • Eluisa Pascua Ravelina – Covenant Philippines
    • Stacy Taylor – Northeast

General Episcopacy Committee
Elect six clergy and six laity

  • Clergy
    • Lyndol Loyd – West Plains
    • Chris Ritter – Great Lakes
    • Heather Sims – Trinity
    • TBD
    • TBD
    • TBD
  • Laity
    • Don Bourland – Mississippi-West Tennessee
    • TBD
    • TBD
    • TBD
    • TBD
    • TBD

Commission on Ministry and Higher Education
Elect five clergy and five laity

  • Clergy
    • Seung Ho Bang – Korean American
    • Dan Gildner – Allegheny West
    • Margarita Todorova – Bulgaria
    • Bonface Wanyama – Kenya-Ethiopia
    • Michael Weaver – Virginia
  • Laity
    • Debra Davis – Trinity
    • Kaitlin Godfrey – Mississippi-West Tennessee
    • Robert Lancaster – North Alabama
    • Daniella Masangu Ngoy – Democratic Republic of Congo
    • TBD

Has attending a General Conference been a long-time dream of yours? Will your family be attending and actively participating? We would love to hear what makes this gathering special to you.

Before, during, and after the conference, we invite you to share your story because your stories are an essential part of this event. We can’t wait to hear how this conference impacts and inspires you!