Providing Resources for Full Delegate Participation


The Global Methodist Church is deeply committed to ensuring that every voice within our diverse, global community is heard and valued. Despite our best efforts to secure visas for all delegates from Africa to attend the convening General Conference in Costa Rica, 100% success was not achieved.

In response, the GM Church is providing resources so delegates in Africa, who were unable to obtain visas, will be able to participate at the highest level possible in the convening General Conference. By leveraging advanced technology, these delegates will be able to interact virtually in both legislative and plenary sessions of the Conference. Delegates will be able to hear and view proceedings occurring in Costa Rica, be seen and heard by delegates in Costa Rica, fully participate in debate, and cast their votes on all matters addressed by their respective legislative committees and in plenary sessions. Despite the delegates' inability to attend in person, the GM Church is investing substantial financial resources to ensure their full participation in the Conference.

The GM Church took additional measures by employing a visa concierge to help delegates navigate the process of obtaining Costa Rican visas. Despite these efforts and the persistence of our delegates, a number still faced challenges that prevented them from securing visas.

Even though our efforts have not yielded complete success, the GM Church will continue to uphold its dedication to ensuring all voices are included in the decision-making process. A variety of security measures will be implemented to maintain the integrity of virtual participation, ensuring that the contributions of our African delegates are received and respected in the same manner as those physically present.

President pro tem of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rev. Kimba Evariste, expressed his support and appreciation for this solution, stating, “While it is unfortunate that not all of us can gather in person, I am grateful for the steps being taken to ensure our voices remain at the heart of this conference. This approach allows us to continue to contribute meaningfully to the future of our Church.”

Dianne Burnett, Executive Director of Communications for the Global Methodist Church, added, “We are deeply committed to our African brothers and sisters. While virtual participation was not our first option, we refused to let their voices be absent during this pivotal time for our Church. With the approval of the Transitional Leadership Council, we have allocated the necessary time and resources to implement this solution to ensure that the impacted delegates can fully participate so that the integrity of our decision-making process is upheld.”

This solution reflects the GM Church’s dedication to inclusivity, respect, and the global unity that defines our movement. Whether in-person or virtually, we look forward to the valuable contributions all GM Church delegates will make as we come together for this momentous event.

Has attending a General Conference been a long-time dream of yours? Will your family be attending and actively participating? We would love to hear what makes this gathering special to you.

Before, during, and after the conference, we invite you to share your story because your stories are an essential part of this event. We can’t wait to hear how this conference impacts and inspires you!