Understanding the Process: Nominees for Two-Year Bishop Positions and Next Steps


As the Global Methodist Church continues to grow and navigate the evolving landscape of our denomination, we remain committed to transparency and clear communication with our members. A key part of this process is the ongoing selection of nominees for the two-year bishop positions. We want to remind you that the opportunity to nominate additional candidates is still open and that we welcome your participation.

The Nomination Process

The Transitional Leadership Council (TLC) has proposed the election of six part-time bishops to serve from the 2024 Convening General Conference until the 2026 General Conference. This proposal, developed by the TLC's Task Force on the Nature of Episcopacy, addresses the church’s expanding geographical reach and the need for strong leadership during this critical period.

Nominations were accepted until July 15, 2024, with submissions coming from individuals, groups, and provisional annual conferences. Biographical information was received for thirteen persons. According to the proposed legislation, the TLC was required to nominate nine individuals, 1.5 times the number of bishops to be elected, with the recommendation being to elect six part-time bishops.

Each member of the TLC prayerfully considered and individually ranked the candidates, focusing on the desired qualities for two-year bishops and the objectives of the election. These rankings were calculated to determine a total score for each nominee. Based on these scores, the top nine candidates were identified and presented as the slate of nominees by the TLC for consideration at the Convening General Conference.

However, the nomination process is still open. Additional nominations can be submitted until August 21, 2024 using this nomination form. At the Convening General Conference, delegates will have the opportunity to vote for up to three additional nominees from the list of nominations received. Those who receive a two-thirds majority vote from the delegates present and casting valid ballots will be added to the official slate of nominees.

Please note, names that have already been submitted since July 23 do not need to be resubmitted.

Opportunities for New Nominees

To maintain equity, pre-work will commence upon receiving nominations to ensure that any newly nominated candidates are given the same opportunity as the original nominees to provide a written profile and participate in a video interview. The goal of this approach is to ensure that the delegation has as comprehensive a view of all candidates as possible, which is essential for making an informed and equitable decision.

The Current Nominees

The nine individuals already nominated by the TLC, listed alphabetically, are:

  • Ryan Barnett (MidTexas)
  • John Beyers (North Georgia)
  • Kimba Evariste (Democratic Republic of Congo)
  • Jeffrey E. Greenway (Allegheny West)
  • Leah Hidde-Gregory (MidTexas)
  • Kenneth Levingston (Trinity)
  • Carolyn Capers Moore (North Georgia)
  • Gregory D. Stover (Allegheny West)
  • Rob Townsend (Northeast)

These candidates were selected for their leadership qualities, ministry achievements, and vision for the future of the Global Methodist Church. Detailed biographical information and video interviews for each of these candidates will be made available on our convening General Conference website to assist in the discernment process in the coming days.

Moving Forward

If the TLC's proposed legislation is adopted, the six two-year bishops will be elected during the General Conference, with each needing sixty percent plus one vote to be elected. An alternative proposal, which would delay the election of bishops until the 2026 General Conference, will also be considered.

Further Information

We have compiled a comprehensive FAQ document to ensure everyone in our church has access to this important information. The FAQ addresses common questions regarding the proposed legislation, the nomination process, and the next steps. You can view it here now and it will be available on our website, sotheworldwillknow.org, along with further details. More in-depth profiles and video interviews with the current nine nominees are nearly finalized. Once complete, the links will be emailed directly to our delegation and posted on the website as well.

A Message from the Nominees

We are also pleased to include in this edition of So the World Will Know a letter from the nine nominees selected by the TLC. In this letter, they share their commitment to serving our church and their hopes for the future of the Global Methodist Church. We encourage you to read this letter by clicking the button below and reflect on the leadership these individuals could bring to our community.

As we approach this pivotal time in our church’s history, let us continue to pray for guidance, wisdom, and unity. We trust that, through collective discernment, the Global Methodist Church will elect leaders who embody the spirit of our mission and vision.